Wednesday, October 13, 2004

Travel Approvals Received 10/13/2004

We received the approval to travel to China on October 13, 2004. This means that we have permission to plan our flights to China. I know I shouldn't have counted on travelling to China by October 28th, but I still did. I just couldn't help myself and I really thought we'd be gone by then. I have been keeping a daily count of Days to China in my office on a huge whiteboard. Now I have to add days back since I won't beflying until November 3rd. We need to be in Beijing by November 5th.

I have been really calm throughout most of this whole adoption process, one or two tantrums not withstanding, but I am now officially nervous! I called AR to make the travel arrangements via Lotus as I cannot handle this. Like most of the women, I did all of the paperwork and now I need DH to pitch in, which he is doing. Not to gross anyone out, but when I get nervous,my stomach does backflips and vomiting ensues....I am just nervous about co-ordinating the flights. We still don't know if we are going to get a direct flight NY to Beijing or if we will go via Los Angeles. AR is partial to LA because his brother lives there and he thought it would be neat if we had a day to hang with him, but I don't know. We cannot leave prior to 11/2 because I am in school and I can't miss three classes or I will fail the course, so all of this is weighing heavily upon me. I know it will all work out and I will probably be okay by this evening, but right now I am a wreck!

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